In the summer of 1996, a small group of great men gathered for the first time in the county of Yazoo. On June 6, six men met at the N. D. Taylor Building in the Principal’s office. These men were called together under the initiative of Brother MacArthur Crawford (Delta ‘66). The brothers attending were Peter Boston, III (H ’54) †, Arthur James (YE ’61), Lawyer Neal (Omicron Upsilon/OY ’73), Jerry Hughes (Phi Psi ’71), James MacLeod (BT ’54), and Rodney Neal (YE ’95). Bro. Crawford addressed the gathering that a grad chapter in Yazoo City would benefit the community. The most benefit would be received by the children, to the effect that most homes were void of male/father role models. Bro. Crawford felt a concentrated effort by Omega could help remedy some of the problems that this situation caused, if not totally at least to some degree. It was thereby agreed by all that efforts should be made to charter a graduate chapter of Omega Psi Phi in Yazoo City, Mississippi.
The next meeting was held in July, 1996 at Yazoo Community Action, in the office of Bro. Arthur James. Present at this meeting were P. Boston, M. Crawford, J. McLeod, J. Hughes, Lawyer Neal, and Aubry N. Brent, Jr. (H ’67) †. At this meeting, the first sets of officers were elected:
Arthur James
MacArthur Crawford
James McLeod, II
Peter Boston, III †
Jerry Hughes
Lawyer Neal
Aubry N. Brent, Jr. †
Vice Basileus
Keeper of Records and Seal (KRS)
Keeper of Finance (KOF)
Editor to the Oracle
Keeper of Piece (KOP)
Intake Coordinator
The chapter charter was approved on December 14, 1996, Omega Psi Phi was the first Greek Letter Organization to charter a chapter in Yazoo City. At this time the Chapter’s official name was assigned, Xi Kappa Kappa # 000893.
The formal Chartering Ceremony was held February 9, 1997 at the Yazoo Triangle Cultural Center. This was the first time in History Yazoo had ever seen the Omega in such a great and grand setting. Brothers from near and far traveled to participate and uplift the new chapter. Chapters in attendance were Beta Rho (LeFlore Co.), Beta Alpha (Hinds Co.), Epsilon Kappa Kappa (Madison Co.), and Theta Delta Delta (Mississippi St. Univ.). The speaker for the ceremony was Bro. Dr. Jimmie James, Music Chair, of Jackson State University. He is most commonly known as “the voice of the Sonic Boom of the South”! The charter was presented and officers installed by 7th District Representative Bro. George Grace. Entertainment was provided by Mrs. Jevonne McCoy, Chorus Director at Yazoo City High School, and the Theta Delta Delta chapter of Omega Psi Phi. Theta Delta Delta, from Mississippi State performed a step show following chapter installation, which was followed by the singing of “Omega Dear” by all the brothers present.
The young chapter’s first objective at this point was to strengthen its membership. The District Representative was contacted and gave his approval for the first Intake Class of Xi Kappa Kappa.
The projects that the Intake Class participated in included an over-night walk-a-thon for the American Cancer Society, and the Christmas in April program where houses were restored and repaired for the elderly throughout Yazoo County. These projects were in cooperative efforts with the Delta Sigma Theta Alumnae chapter of Yazoo City, chartered less than a month after Xi Kappa Kappa. The Intake class also participated in projects with the Yazoo City Junior High School Band where Bro. McLeod is the director. They were present for a Rummage Sale, chaperoned parties and dances, and also assisted Bro. McLeod with the male and female Jr. High step teams.
The Intake Class completed their program on May 4, 1997 under the direction of Regional Intake Chair Bro. Billy A. Roby. The new members are as follows:
Anthony T. Toliver †
Nelson Tate
Kendricks D. Hooker
Todd Campbell
Sylvester Horton
Chalmers W. Mayers, Jr.
Immediately following the initiation, the “neophytes” along with brother McLeod and Brother Walter Lockhart (TDD ’96) chaperoned a Jr. High outing to the skating rink in Yazoo. Upon returning to Yazoo City from Mississippi State, Bro. Lockhart became a very active “visiting brother”. He arranged a car wash in July 1997 which helped raise funds for a donation to the March of Dimes. His input was very beneficial to the chapter.
On July 31st, Xi Kappa Kappa lost one of its young shining lights. Brother Anthony
“Nasty T” Toliver suffered a traumatic asthma attack and passed on to the Omega Chapter. He was born to Thelma Toliver and Bernard Woodhouse of Chicago, Illinois on July 2, 1973. Anthony graduated from Steinmetz High School in Chicago, Illinois and enrolled in Jackson State University. Upon graduation he entered graduate school at Jackson State University. Brother Toliver’s life-long dream was to help people and that’s what he did best up until his untimely death. While in graduate school, “Tol’ Lo”, devoted himself to helping sexually abused and battered children at the CARES center in Jackson, MS. He is sorely missed by all he touched during his short but meaningful time here among us.
Tol’ Lo was a member of the Fraternity of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, Palastine Lodge #12. He is survived by his mother, father, Sister Tchernavia Toliver, and his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Toliver, and Mr. and Mrs. Woodhouse. Brother Anthony Toliver was brought into Omega’s fold on the first line of Xi Kappa Kappa on May 4, 1997. He was very active in the chapter and always exemplified the four cardinal principles of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. Following Brother Toliver’s death, the chapter set up a scholarship fund in honor of him, the A. T. Toliver Scholarship Fund.
At the first meeting of the new Fiscal year 1997 – 1998 a new set of officers were elected. They are as follows:
Aubry N. Brent, Jr. †
Chalmers W. Mayers, Jr.
James M. McLeod, II
Nelson Tate
Kendricks D. Hooker
Vice Basileus
Keeper of Records and Seal (KRS)
Keeper of Finance (KOF)
Editor to the Oracle / Keeper of Peace (KOP)
In conjunction with the election, committees were appointed by the Basileus and KRS. These committees are Social Action, Fundraising and Scholarship.
During the months of October and November, Brothers Arthur James and Aubry Brent, Jr. conducted Welfare reform workshops, and Community Action/Involvement workshops and meetings. Cancer Awareness programs were also put into effect in October. The chapter participated with the Delta Sigma Theta Alumnae chapter with their Health Fair on the grounds of the Triangle Cultural Center, downtown Yazoo City. The Fair was implemented to make the community aware of dangers of cancer, treatments for different forms of it, and preventative methods. Also, during October, Xi Kappa Kappa participated in Beta Alpha Chapter’s Picnic, sponsored by their Summer 1997 Intake Program participants.
For its annual Achievement Week, Xi Kappa Kappa presented citizenship awards to outstanding people of the Yazoo City Community. The recipients were Jevonne McCoy, Bro. Peter Boston, III †, Andrew Gates, Homer Smith, and D. W. Wilburn. The Theme for the national Essay Contest was “Empowering Our Youth to survive the Political and Economic Challenges for the 21st Century”. First place winner Anshonette Wade received $200 in scholarship funds and second place winner Daniel Powell was awarded $100. Chapter awards were Manhood: Arthur James; Scholarship: James McLeod; Perseverance: MacArthur Crawford; Uplift: Aubry N. Brent, Jr. †; Omega Citizen of the Year: Peter Boston, III †, and Omega Man of the Year, James McLeod.
After Achievement Week, the brothers set up their next big project. They planned to donate Christmas dinners to two families in the community, serving as, “an alternative to security”.
In January 1998, Xi Kappa Kappa began its second membership drive, recruiting men from Yazoo City and Jackson.