Chartering to Present
ΞKK Chapter of ΩΨΦ Fraternity, Inc.
The chapter hosted the State meeting in conjunction with Eta Tau (Vicksburg, MS) Chapter. There, Bro. James Reed was elected as the State KRS 2000-2002 / 2005-2009) and served as Co-Marsha in 2000.
65TH Annual 7th District Meeting on April 13, 2002 – the MS State Caucus Committees were placed; Brother Reed (Scholarship), Brother Raju Aundre Branson (NAACP / UNCF), and Brother Darrel Vaughn (Assault on Illiteracy)
Brother Reed was elected as State KRS at the MS State Meeting on October 12, 2002.
Brother Gemeric “G” Stewart was the State Committee Chair for Undergraduate Relations MS State Council Meeting on February 15, 2002. Brother Darryl Vaughn was appointed State Chair of the Auditing and Budgeting Committee.
Brother Carlos Palmer was elected to serve in the capacity of State Counselor at the MS State Meeting on September 11, 2004 Brother Gemeric “G” Stewart was elected to serve in the capacity of MS Public Relations Director.
Brother Chalmers Mayers was appointed to the State Chair of the Voter Registration, Education, and Mobilization Committee MS State Council Meeting on March 5th, 2005. Education and Mobilization Committee was officially presented to the State Council Brother Reed was elected State KRS at the MS State Meeting on September 17, 2005.
Brother Gemeric (G.) Stewart was appointed the 7th District Scholarship Chairmen at the 69th 7th District Meeting (Macon, GA) on April 6-9, 2006 Brother Chalmers Mayers was elected State Public Relations Director at the MS State Meeting (Tunica, MS). Held the office for three consecutive years (2006 – 2008).
Brother Raju Aundre Branson was elected as the State of Mississippi Counselor. He was also elected unopposed until 2014.
Brother Raju Aundre Branson was elected to serve as the 7th District Counselor. He was unanimously elected unopposed each year until the term limit of 2019
Brother James Reed was elected to serve as the 7th District Stop the Violence Chair as well as Chapter Advisor for Rho Epsilon (PE) Chapter.
Brother James Reed was appointed to serve on the “International Protocols Committee” at the 81st Annual District Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.
Brother James Marshal Reed IV was elected to serve in the capacity of 7th District Keeper of Records & Seal (KRS) Brother Norris Taylor was elected to serve in the capacity of Membership Selection Process (MSP) Committee Chair for Southern Region MS; Chapter Advisor of Rho Epsilon (PE) undergraduate Chapter Brother Victor Hudson was elected to serve in the capacity of Membership Selection Process (MSP) Committee Chair for Central MS.
Brother James Marshal Reed IV was re-elected to serve in the capacity of 7th District Keeper of Records & Seal (DKRS) for a 2nd term consecutively.
Brother James Marshal Reed IV was elected to serve in the capacity of 7th District 1st Vice District Representative.